Feature Friday: Tyler Martin

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First name: Tyler
Last name: Martin
City: Austin
State: Texas (Originally from Dallas, Texas)
Age: 24
Height: 5’9″
Weight: 185 -190 on a good day 😉
Profession: Cheer Coach

Follow Him:
Twitter: @Topmodelmartin
Instagram: @Tyler_Martini

Are you signed to any agencies?
As of right now, I’m not signed with any agencies, but I am open to the idea.

When did you start working out?:
Around 2-3 years ago.

How many days a week do you work out?:
6 days a week.

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How long is your average workout?:
Between a hour and a hour and a half.

Favorite muscles to exercise:
Legs and glutes.

Least favorite muscles to exercise:

Favorite cheat meal:
Pizza and Wings and cinnamon rolls (any thing unhealthy).

What sports have you done?:
I’ve done gymnastics for 16 years and cheerleading for 6 years.

When did you start Gymnastics?:
When I about 4 years old.

Favorite tumbling pass:
Any double flipping passes like double backs, double lays, full in back outs.

When did you start Cheerleading?:
My freshman year of college by complete accident. Growing up I was never interested in cheer and I never thought I would do it. At one of my gymnastics meets I got scouted and they offered me a scholarship, so I had to take the it.

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What teams have you cheered on?:
Spirit of Texas and Navarro College.

What is one of your biggest accomplishments you have achieved with cheerleading?:
Grand National Collegiate Champion, 3 time National Champion, 2nd at Worlds… multiple times.. unfortunately.

Do you have any fitness goals? If so, what are they?:
I would like to start competing in men’s physique and at some point go pro.

Do you have any fitness inspirations or people you look up to?:
My old trainer who basically taught me everything when it comes to weight lifting and eating right, Charles Chester who is a pro competitor. My other inspiration would be my dad because he’s annoyingly talented at everything.

What supplements do you take or recommend?:
I take factor 9 human growth stimulator which and P6 testosterone booster which I see huge effects by the end of my cycles.

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Can you give a brief overview of your diet?:
I just started eating 2lbs of clean meats throughout the day with a serving of healthy carbs and greens with each serving of meat. When I wake up, I also take 6 shots of egg whites straight from the eggs which is actually not bad tasting at all.

Do you have any tips for people who are trying to reach their fitness goals?:
Get on the right eating plan and be consistent! As hard as it may be, meeting your goals is hugely affected by what your putting in to your body.

Did you like this week’s Feature Friday, Tyler Martin? Would you or someone you know like to be featured? Contact me at corestrengthalec@gmail.com for questions, comments, or ideas for other topics.

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